Computer Forensics

Forensic investigations are a core component of efforts to tackle a breach of security. These investigations yield results by examining data media that can provide clues about the circumstances of an incident and the culprits. Findings derived from forensic investigations by experienced independent specialists can be submitted as evidence.


  • Restores the chronology of an event for information systems
  • Sweeps for any indication that unauthorized access has been gained
  • Extracts and analyses communications (email and instant messaging)
  • Conducts searches according to pre-defined criteria
  • Initiates forensic investigation of mobile devices
  • Explores databases
  • Investigates skimming devices
  • Probes network and RAM dumps
  • Searches for evidence of malware
  • Inspects the contents of encrypted archives
  • Compares software for any indication of plagiarism
  • Guarantees the integrity of digital data media and its contents after seizure

Find out more about what we do

The company is currently developing a system to combat international cyber crime, which will equip the law enforcement authorities in any jurisdiction to effectively tackle the problem of computer-based malfeasance. Crucially, the technology assists at the most problematic stages of the criminal investigation, including the assemblage of evidence, DDoS protection and web auditing.